Today is my birthday and I'm not sure I've accepted that just yet. I'm a preteen into my mid twenties. wtf. Part of me still feels like that 16 year old girl needing help finding her bus at the bus loop, then the other part of me is this grown adult ready to conquer the world, get married, and have babies. (Maybe not the babies yet, but ya get my drift.)
So I've made it to 23, and in honor of that I've decided to tell you 23 things I have learned by the age of 23.
1. Life is not a race. Some finish school in the span of 4 years, while others take 7 years. Not everyone goes the same path so do not / stop comparing yourself to everyone else and continue doing you.
2. Follow whatever the hell it is you enjoy. Your parents can guide you all they want, but you are the one living your life. Not them.
3. Happy space, happy mind. Do some spring cleaning every once in a while. Vacuum here and there, organize your closet or desk, clean out receipts in your purse you've had for over a year. It's amazing the little/huge difference a clean space can do for you. Ya might actually get sh*t done.
4. Take a class. Whether that be a cooking class, or work out class. And for you workers out there, there are plenty of fun night classes you can take after work or school. Spend the $10 and register for that late night yoga class. (I really want to try a spin class, so that will be tbd)
5. The 80s/90s are coming back. Embrace that chunky heel/sneaker, that bell bottom or fringe pant, or that choker necklace. We back in black bby.
6. Take the tinder date. (I am in a 6 year relationship so I have no experience with this) But so many friends ask me, "Should I do it?" "Should I go for it?" And my answer is "Hell yes!" Whats the worst that can happen? They kidnap you, stuff you in their trunk and chop you into 100 tiny pieces? Yes, but not likely! The worst dates are the best stories. And everyone loves a good story. Plus, you never know who you'll meet.
7. Learn when to speak, and not to speak. This can go for any situation, but sometimes with adults, even if our points are valid and right, they will never fully listen to us because "adults are right" They've lived longer which means they have more experience with everything about life.
8. Don't cheat. In high school, each class was different, but from experience, don't agree with your friends to have your test on the edge of your desk so the answers are shared. Or look up when the teachers not looking and mouth the answers. Or better yet, text the answers. Is it easy? Sure. Is it worth it? Noo. You get to college and realize you need that worthless information after all.
9. Buy it. I cannot even BEGIN to tell you the amount of times I've passed up on something I really wanted and thought to myself "Oh I'll come back and get it later." No. Don't do it. Chances are the item is sold out or even worse, out of stock meaning they don't sell it anymore. And then you're punching yourself in the gut, stalking the item on amazon, stressing yourself out when you're not finding it. If ya love it, buy it right then and there.
10. Scream sing in your car. Trust me, it can fix all of your problems. As can a long shower.
11. Friendships. Drift happens, just because you and your gal/guy friends don't talk as much as you once did, doesn't mean they don't care. Life happens, but your friends will always be your friends.
12. SAVE. Save. Did I mention save? No one tells you the secrets to life. But I'd say the biggest one is to save. Mommy or Daddy won't always be there to help 110% of the way. My biggest tip is if you're right out of high school, and your parents make you get that job to pay for college, save at least half of your paycheck and put it in your savings and don't touch it. For a year. You won't believe how much money adds up when you save in a year. Then you'll be able to move out of your parents house and not living there until you're 25.
13. Spontaneous trips are worth the gas money. My best memories are ones I've taken with my girlfriends last second where you just get in the car and go.
14. Tattoos aren't just for the rebel kids. I'm pretty late to the game in the tattoo department, because everyone and their mother has one, but all my life I've heard the words "tattoos are trash" "when you're old your tattoo will be wrinkly and gross, so what's the point in getting one" But the truth is, even with my baby. babbbby tattoo, I feel like such a badass. There's no wonder people have so many because it's just such an esteem booster.
15. Mini hot sauce containers are a must. Buy one or two at world market and throw one in your purse. You'll thank me later.
16. Listen to your body. If it's yelling at you to sleep, sleep. If you're sick, visit the doctor. You know your body, so listen to it when it's trying to communicate.
17. Compliment someone on the daily. You know how you feel when you get a compliment, so why not make someone else's day too.
18. Take pics. Embrace the moment, but also capture it. You'll thank yourself later.
19. Tell them you love them more. Them as in, you know who they are. Whether that be a parent, grandparent, friend, or neighbor. Life is short, and love goes a very long way.
20. Watch a documentary. I used to think they were so boring! But literally, watched one about the bermuda triangle and now I think I'm an expert on it.
21. Things aren't always what they seem. Don't be so quick to judge.
22. Have you time. The biggest relationship is the one you have with yourself. Get to know you a little more, might be surprised what ya find.
23. Don't be afraid to ask for help. No one can make it in life on their own. I can be a very stubborn gal and say, "No, I got this." When in actuality, I need more help than I'd admit. Don't hesitate to ask, and don't hesitate to lend a helping hand.
xoxo. newly 23 year old, S.
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